sportsmanship doesn't exclude women - Google Search't+exclude+women

NOTE: The headline is a search phrase, not an opinion. This search is investigating how people view, interpret or react to the word "sportsmanship". In order to avoid being insensitive regarding using a word that might be perceived as NOT gender neutral, here is some research on using "sportsmanship". Also here is the thesaurus entry for "sportsmanship".

This search provided helpful results for the issue of gender neutrality. Initially there doesn't seem to be a good synonym alternative to "sportsmanship"; however the third search result (a reddit result) was not about the word "sportsmanship" … it was about the topic of sportsmanship. The fourth search result (also a reddit result) discusses alternatives to "sportsmanship". Sports integrity is considered as possibly a useful alternative, but sports integrity would not practically offer the full understanding of "sportsmanship" in real world uses..

Consider also the search



Women and Sports: CQR
Mar 6, 1992 - But the male-dominated world of athletics doesn't yet offer a level ..... The ancient Greeks didn't just exclude women from Olympic competition. ...... in conjunction with NationalSportsmanship Day Program on, April 24, 1991.

Is there a good alternative to the term "sportsmanship ...
Aug 20, 2016 - 8 posts - ‎6 authors
I'm not sure what to do with the word "sportsmanship." The usage is not being applied to an individual, but instead referring to ethical principles, ...

Criticism of sportsmanship in male vs. female athletes ...
Aug 8, 2012 - 14 posts - ‎10 authors
She doesn't cry until she's down from the medals podium and in private ... that the level ofsportsmanship was so much better than the "females.

Girls, Sports and Sportsmanship - The New York Times
May 7, 2008 - I think that these women are to be commended for rising to the challenge of .... It's much better than nothing but doesn't involve teamwork and ...
Missing: exclude ‎| ‎Must include: ‎exclude

Five Reasons Good Sportsmanship Matters - TheSeason
May 29, 2018 - Sportsmanship isn't just a concept, practicing it can have real impact on ... as it doesn't affect me" to total outrage that grown men and women, ...
Missing: exclude ‎| ‎Must include: ‎exclude

Sexism: Does arguing about whether words like 'sportsmanship' are ...
But that doesn't mean that gender neutral language isn't important. ... Because for most people (men and women) words like "sportsmanship" buzz ... Bottom line: Language affects how we think about things and unless you've felt excluded, …

How to Teach Your Child Good Sportsmanship | HealthyWomen
Good sportsmanship is when teammates, opponents, coaches and officials ... No one wants to be on a team with someone who gets angry when he doesn't win.