kill garden slugs at night - Google Search; results in earwig pest discovery As usual, Google search is a big help for finding solutions to household problems. These articles covered solutions to getting rid of slugs as garden pests. Slugs can eat leaves of all types of plants, causing devastation in the garden. In this particular case and the reason for this search, the pest was actually the common earwig, which can also eat leaves of all types of plants. However, the instructions for slugs, also helped discover the earwigs as the problem. Hint: A dish of beer trapped earwigs, diverting them from destroying cucumber, zucchini, and pepper plants. See also ... 4 Ways to Get Rid of Garden Slugs - wikiHow Rating: 94% - 1,527 votes Apr 3, 2015 - Rather than letting them take over your beloved garden, take. ... existence; the sneaky little gastropods slither in at night, e