
Showing posts from February, 2019

sportsmanship doesn't exclude women - Google Search't+exclude+women NOTE: The headline is a search phrase, not an opinion. This search is investigating how people view, interpret or react to the word "sportsmanship". In order to avoid being insensitive regarding using a word that might be perceived as NOT gender neutral, here is some research on using "sportsmanship". Also here is the thesaurus entry for "sportsmanship ". This search provided helpful results for the issue of gender neutrality. Initially there doesn't seem to be a good synonym alternative to "sportsmanship"; however the third search result (a reddit result) was not about the word "sportsmanship" … it was about the topic of sportsmanship. The fourth search result (also a reddit result) discusses alternatives to "sportsmanship". Sports integrity is considered as possibly a useful alternative, but sports integrity would not practically offer the fu

does aloe plant need sun - Google Search The consensus is Aloe Vera plants need a lot of light, but not too much burning high noon type sunlight. Does an Aloe Vera Plant Go In Full Sun or Shade? | Home Guides | SF ... › Garden › Gardening Nov 28, 2018 - Six to eight hours of direct sun is best, although most aloe vera plants will tolerate some light shade or filtered sun at midday. A south- or west-facing outdoor area and slightly sandy soil provide ideal conditions for growing aloe vera, whether in a pot or in the ground. A commenter in the article claimed that an indoor-situated aloe plant was killed with too much direct sunlight.One commenter also claimed some incorrect information is contained in the article: "Not all of Africa is open direct sunlight, not all aloe species are native to Africa"  Checking by … According to th

what company make (sic) Hepatitis A vaccine - Google Search This search discovered in the first result that Merck & Co., Inc. makes VAQTA® (Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated). However, this is a pediatric vaccine. There is reference to another vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline known as Havrix in the MerckVaccines page referred.  The third-ranked search result refers to a CDC listing of vaccines of all types. The Hepatitis A vaccines listed are … Havrix® Vaqta® (for pediatric patients) Twinrix® (for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B) Havrix® is made by GlaxoSmithKline Vaqta® is made by Merck & Co. Twinrix® is made by GlaxoSmithKline This search appears to have discovered the intended results, but was not straightforward on all of the top-ranked referrals. HERE ARE THE TOP 7 SEARCH RESULTS ... Official Site for VAQTA® (Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated) VAQTA is indicated for the prevention of disease caused by hepatitis

how long does hepatitis a live outside the body - Google Search According to the CDC (first search result below), the hepatitis A virus is able to survive outside the body for months. High temperatures, such as boiling or cooking food or liquids for at least 1 minute at 185°F (85°C), kill the virus, although freezing temperatures do not. The information was not sourced. The WebMD search result below provided similar information, but no sources. The  result, which ranked the 5th result, did not mention the virus surviving outside the body at all. This was not a successful search because no scientific sources were provided with the published information retrieved by the search result. TOP 7 SEARCH RESULTS ... Hepatitis A Questions and Answers for the Public | Division of Viral ... Hepatitis A Questions and Answers for the Public | Division of Viral ... Nov 9

hepatitis a and marijuana - Google Search While researching information about hepatitis A transmission and infection, marijuana use was listed alongside drug use by injection or non-injection. The study evoked the question of how marijuana use might cause hepatitis A virus (HAV) transmission or infection. Although there doesn't appear to be volumes of information supporting the connection of marijuana use and hepatitis A, there is a study (first search result below) that reports evidence of samples of cannabis being contaminated with HAV when an HAV patient with no known risk factors was discovered to have DNA sequence samples of HAV from his serum that matched the DNA sequence from a viral elution of fresh cannabis leaves from a batch that the man consumed. The association was not concluded with certainty, but the association was strong. TOP 7 SEARCH RESULTS ... Hepatitis A virus infection associated with cannabis use. - NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go

hiv infection in jail - Google Search This is a wide scope question attempting to find the answer regarding whether human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted in prison — especially due to sexual violence or rape in prison. The search results revealed that sexual violence does occur in prison and is a known method of transmission of HIV. A discussion of the topic of all types of occurrences of hepatitis A infection (transmission) led to the query regarding HIV infection as a comparison because incarceration is one of six major risk factors of hepatitis A infection … According to the Cook County Department of Public Health … The hepatitis A virus (HAV) can affect anyone. However, a person is more likely to be infected if the person ... • uses drugs (injection, non-injection or marijuana), • is homeless, • is a man who has sex with men, • is a person that was recently incarcerated, • is a person that lives with or