
Showing posts from July, 2019

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Website User-Friendly

Your website is a vital component needed for reaching consumers and maintaining a strong internet presence. Discover three ways to make your website user-friendly. Make a Good First Impression  When people search a phrase in Google, the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) displays the list of relevant pages based on this information. The SERPs are an excellent way for users to get a snapshot of your site’s value in an instant. Your site’s metadata should draw the user’s attention to the fact that you provide exactly what they are searching for. Make sure your meta titles are concise phrases that state what you offer. Your meta description gives you a little more room for creativity but should still be concise and follow SEO best practices. Create a meta description that informs the user and encourages them to click on your page. Give Readers What They Came For  Your content is the primary reason people stay on or leave your site, that’s why it’s imperative that it addresses t