
Showing posts from October, 2019

6 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

There are over 1.5 billion sites on the Web. When we consider this astounding amount, it’s easy to imagine our own websites sinking into the abyss. If we’re smart about our marketing techniques, however, we can begin to further build our online audience. To give you a head start, we’ve made a list of ways to drive traffic to your website. 1. Build Backlinks One way Google measures authority is by collecting data on how many other websites link to your own. If you can get other websites to link back to yours, Google will consider your website valuable and bump you up in the rankings. Be careful where you place your links, however—Google will notice if you spam comments sections and penalize you accordingly. 2. Use the Right Keywords It’s important to know how to research keywords and use them to your advantage. You want to know what search terms people use when they’re looking for sites relevant to your own. Many companies will target long-tail keywords in order to narrow the

Best Ways to Organize Books on a Bookshelf

Many organizations carry books, and not organizing them well can make it difficult to search for a specific one. There are a few different ways you can organize a bookshelf, but the most important thing is that that you keep it consistent. Here are some of the best ways to organize a bookshelf. Color An easy way that can be extremely beneficial, especially for young children, is to color-code the books. Color-coding can boost efficiency in offices, schools, libraries, and other places where books are stored. Colored dots on the spine can also be used to differentiate books. Hard Cover and Softcover One of the best ways to organize books on a bookshelf is also visually appealing. Try to organize the books on the shelf based on whether it’s hardcover or softcover. Group them up then shelve them based on the cover type. The book’s height can also be organized as well. Author’s Last Name Sorting by the author’s last name is another common organizing technique. This is done