why can't you put LED lights in enclosures - Google Search
https://www.google.com/search?q=why+can't+you+put+LED+lights+in+enclosures&oq=why+can't+you+put+LED+lights+in+enclosures&aqs=chrome..69i57.10343j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The consensus on this question ranges from "using LED light bulbs in enclosures presents a fire risk" to "using LED light bulbs in enclosures presents NO fire risk, but shortens the life of the bulb due to overheating". LED lights get hot at the base, but they don't seem to get nearly as hot as incandescent bulbs. In an enclosure, heat does not vent out of the enclosure, and the heat source from bulbs builds up. Some commenters in these articles claim there isn't much of a problem with the bulbs if they are only used outside at night when it is cooler, or if they are only on for a short time — such as in a bathroom. But what if the light is left on for a long period because someone forgets to turn it off. To play it safe, find bulbs that are stated to be "