hiv infection in jail - Google Search

This is a wide scope question attempting to find the answer regarding whether human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted in prison — especially due to sexual violence or rape in prison. The search results revealed that sexual violence does occur in prison and is a known method of transmission of HIV. A discussion of the topic of all types of occurrences of hepatitis A infection (transmission) led to the query regarding HIV infection as a comparison because incarceration is one of six major risk factors of hepatitis A infection …

According to the Cook County Department of Public Health …

The hepatitis A virus (HAV) can affect anyone. However, a person is more likely to be infected if the person ...

• uses drugs (injection, non-injection or marijuana),
• is homeless,
• is a man who has sex with men,
• is a person that was recently incarcerated,
• is a person that lives with or has close contact with an HAV-infected person, or
• is a person that has touched or eaten food or drink that someone with Hepatitis A infection has handled.


HIV in US jails and prisons: Building a national dialogue for ... - GMHC

Prisoners, HIV and AIDS | AVERT › ... › Social issues › Key affected populations
Apr 16, 2018 - The use of contaminated injecting equipment when using drugs is one of the primary routes of HIV transmission in prisons. Many prisoners …

HIV in Prisons and Jails | | The AIDS InfoNet
In 2008, there were about 20,449 people with HIV in state and federal prisons. The rate of HIV infection is higher among female inmates (1.9%) than among ...

HIV Transmission and Prevention in Prisons - HIV InSite
Apr 21, 2006 - The AIDS prevalence in 2003 was more than 3 times higher in state and federalprisons (0.51%) than in the general U.S. population (0.15%).

HIV Is Still a Big Problem in Prisons - Tonic
Jan 2, 2018 - HIV and AIDS in prisons disproportionately affect black men and women, just as they do on the outside. While the high infection rate in prisons …

Prisons and Jails | The Center for HIV Law and Policy
Inmates in jails and prisons across the United States, generally, do not ... For others, infection withHIV occurred during incarceration via sex or sharing needles.

[PDF]HIV in US jails and prisons: Building a national dialogue for ... - GMHC
to nondisclosure of HIV-positive status and places prisoners at elevated risk of infection. In addition toHIV, inmates living in U.S. prisons report higher rates of …

HIV among persons incarcerated in the US: a review of evolving ...
by RP Westergaard - ‎2013 - ‎Cited by 57 - ‎Related articles
Jump to HIV testing in jails and prisons - (17, 18) A national survey of prison and jail ... and addressHIV transmission risk behaviors.

HIV Transmission in Correctional Facility - NCBI - NIH
by A Macher - ‎2006 - ‎Cited by 14 - ‎Related articles
Correctional facilities house a disproportionate number of HIV-infected persons, and ... Keywords: inmate, jail, receptive anal sex, HIV, acute retroviral syndrome.